Many surgical procedures dealing with eyelids after the removal of tumors or following any sort of trauma will heal properly on their own by caring locally for the wound. Depending on the circumstance, some procedures and accidents, however, might require an eyelid reconstruction procedure following the trauma or removal of cancerous tissue.
Eyelid Reconstruction Surgery: Best Handled with a Specialists’ Hands
Due to the extremely delicate nature of the eyelids and eye area, our Spectrum Eye Physicians work in tandem with local Mohs surgeons in order to provide our patients with the highest quality care possible. A Mohs surgeon is a dermatologist specially trained in a procedure called Mohs micrographic surgery, a type of eyelid reconstruction surgery which involves intricately removing cancerous tissues and irreparably traumatized areas using a procedure which spares the greatest possible amount of healthy tissue. The Mohs surgeon then uses small flaps and grafts of tissue to in order to reconstruct the eyelid to properly functioning state.
Contact Spectrum Eye Physicians Today!
Schedule your appointment online or call us at 408-884-2215. No matter which of our locations you visit, you will receive the latest in eye care technology from friendly eye doctors and staff committed to serving you.
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