LASIK diagram

We are pleased to announce that we are the first in Northern California to offer the Epi-K, allowing our surgeons to perform a new refractive procedure known as Epi-LASIK.

LASIK may not be an ideal procedure for everyone, if a patient’s corneas are too thin, if they have itchy and dry eyes, or if they’re simply uncomfortable with the thought of having a corneal flap cut, they would be better candidates for surface treatment.

A surgeon performing Epi-LASIK uses a precise instrument called an epikeratome to gently separate the epithelium, the very thin outer layer of the cornea, and to leave a very smooth surface for laser treatment. The cornea is then reshaped with an Excimer laser. During the healing process, the epithelium is replaced by the regeneration of epithelial cells over the treated area.

Benefits of Epi-LASIK

In an Epi-LASIK procedure, the laser correction is performed on the surface of the cornea. Since there is no cutting of a LASIK flap, Epi-LASIK is generally considered an even safer procedure.

Epi-LASIK is the procedure of choice for patients who have a more active lifestyle. Because there is no creation of a LASIK flap, there is no possibility of dislodging in the years to come. Epi-LASIK is preferred by patients with occupations where eye trauma is a real possibility, such as law enforcement fire fighting, and military services.

Working on the surface of the cornea allows treatment of patients whose corneas are too thing for standard cutting of both a LASIK flap and removal of the proper amount of tissue by the laser.

Epi-LASIK is gentler on the corneal nerves and thus diminishes the possibility of inducing or worsening dry eye syndrome.


Generally, patients under the age of 40 still read well without the use of glasses, patients over the age of 40 may need reading glasses for small print. Presbyopia is a term that refers to the natural weakening of the muscles that occurs in our early to mid 40s, causing us to need reading glasses. The LASIK procedure does not correct or prevent presbyopia. Should you fall into this age category, mono vision may be an option that may help to eliminate the need for reading glasses after the LASIK procedure.

Normally, both of our eyes work together when looking at an object to produce “binocular vision.” With mono vision, one eye is corrected for distance vision while the other eye is corrected for near vision. Most individuals have a dominate eye that our brain favors for sighting (typically right handed people are right eye dominate). In Mono vision LASIK our surgeons purposely leave the non-dominate eye slightly nearsighted (defective vision of distant objects) so that you can have the ability to see close up without glasses. Monovision LASIK is not for every LASIK patient over the age of 45, so discuss these options with your surgeon.

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